Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Goodbye 2015

With the year coming to a close I felt it was necessary to write a post saying farewell to 2015. The new year is fast approaching and this time is usually spent looking bak on the past year, remember the good times, bad times, and looking on to what the new year has to offer. I am going to do this, but only for a little bit.

Family :)
I try to be a person that doesn't look back on the past too much. Don't get me wrong, a lot of great things have taken place in my past, moments that I will never forget. For me personally reminiscing or recollecting sound more positive than looking back, which makes me think of looking back on regrets and the bad things that took place. I am sure we can all agree that we learn and grow from the difficult moments in our lives but once they have passed it is important that we look to the future and not dwell on what happened. Easier said than done but it can be accomplished. It just takes strength.

Bette Midler Concert
Visit to Georgia (below)
I would be lying if I said this past year went without any problems, if you have read my earlier posts you can see it wasn't always easy. There were a lot of great moments from this year though, ones that as I remember them, outweigh the bad. I think a big positive that came out of this past year is I found myself and was able to grow as a person. Even through the tough times I had the opportunity to grow and learn what I wanted and didn't want out of life.

I have had some great experiences, met new people, and have built new friendships. I consider myself lucky for all of the opportunities I was presented this past year and am thankful for the life I have to live. Time goes so fast, it seemed liked this year just flew by, and one can only think, did I accomplish everything I wanted? The answer is probably no, but that doesn't mean the year was a waste because I still have plenty of opportunities ahead. It is up to me to get the most out of life and to live it, not just exist. So for all of you, remember the good times, don't dwell on the bad, and look forward to the future because it can be bright if you only let it.

"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, 
so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."
- Joseph Campbell

Happy New Year to Everyone!
